ICP Advice on Tax Return
Tax returns can seem complicated, but with clear and easy-to-understand information you can navigate them…
MoreThe school year of 2023/2024 has seen a change in the admission system for secondary schools and conservatoires.
Applications can now be submitted through the Digital Application System (DIPSY) available via www.prihlaskynastredni.cz, or without logging in in the form of a printed document. Submitting a paper application form remains possible, too.
Students can now apply for 3 fields of study without a talent exam and for up to 5 fields with a talent exam.
As opposed to past years, grades obtained in previous education do not have to be reflected in the admission results.
Applicants will be matched to a secondary school based on admissions results and their priorities, enrolment slips are no longer used.
All information is available on www.prihlaskynastredni.cz.
By 31 January 2024
The school director announces admission criteria – the criteria can be found at the school, on the school website, and in DIPSY.
From 1 February to 20 February 2024
Period for filling in the application form.
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THROUGH DIPSY after logging in with Citizen Identity (e.g. bank identity) – RECOMMENDED OPTION
IN THE FORM OF A TRANSCRIPT printed from DIPSY without logging in
ON A PAPER FORM prescribed by the Ministry of Education
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You may apply for up to three fields of study.
If you have submitted applications for fields with a talent exam as of 30 November 2023 and wish to submit an additional application for fields without a talent exam, you will list up to five fields of study in the new application.
Consider applying for at least one field of study with the maturita school leaving exam in order to get an objective assessment of your knowledge. The result of the unified examination may be reflected in the next rounds of the admission procedure.
The fields of study must be listed in the priority order, i.e. the most preferred field stated first and the least preferred one stated last.
The fields of study and their order can be changed only until 20 February 2024 by withdrawing the application and submitting a new one. If you applied by 30 November 2023 for a talent exam, you can change the order (but not the fields) until 15 March 2024.
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Upload digital attachments according to the admission criteria (scan or photo) for each field of study.
Print the transcript (without attachments) in as many copies as there are fields of study you apply for.
Fill in the application form as there are fields of study you apply for.
Attach non-certified copies of documents required by the admission criteria to each of the printed application forms.
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The application is automatically sent to all schools.
The signed transcript needs to be emailed or brought to each of the schools listed (even those with a talent exam for which you applied by 30 November 2023). The decisive date is the date of its delivery to school or the date on the postmark of the post office.
Each applicant is given their registration number (‘RgČ’), the date and venue of the unified examinations (‘JPZ’) and the date of the school examinations (‘ŠPZ’).
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The school director publishes the dates of the school examinations at school and on the school website and sends you an electronic invitation with your registration number.
Your registration number, the date and place of the unified examinations and the date of school examinations will be stated in the invitation letter sent by registered mail to the address you stated in the application form.
Unified examinations for four-year programmes and follow-up programmes will be held on 12 April and 15 April 2024; unified examinations for six- and eight-year general secondary schools (víceletá gymnázia) will be held on 16 April and 17 April 2024; school examinations will be held from 5 March to 23 April 2024.
Substitute exam date for students who fail to attend the exam due to health reasons and inform the director of the school about the situation within 3 working days will take place on 29 April and 30 April 2024; substitute school exams will be held from 24 April to 5 May 2024.
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10 to 14 May 2024
The documents based on which a decision was made may be consulted.
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The results of the unified tests and the completed record sheets are available in DIPSY after logging in.
15.5. 2024
Results of the first round.
Test results and completed record sheets are available at the school.
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The results are available in DIPSY without logging in.
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Appeals (e.g. due to a mistake in the assignment, incorrect marking or disruption of the examination) can be made within 3 working days from the publication of the list of the admitted and denied applicants, i.e. by 20 May 2024.
If you do not wish to start studying at the school to which you have been admitted, you may waive your admission (which does not automatically mean being admitted to the next school in line). If you wish to apply for the next round, you must deliver your waiver of admission at least 3 working days before the application deadline.
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Appeals and waivers are submitted in person at the school or by mail.
The rules for the admissions procedure are similar to those for the first round. The only difference is that the second round does not include the unified examination (but it is compulsory to take the result into account) – it is not possible to apply for a programme requiring the unified examination without sitting the unified examination.
By 20 May 2024 – The School director announces the admissions criteria – the criteria can be found at the school, on the school website, and in DIPSY.
By 24 May 2024 – You need to fill in the application form.
8 to 12 June 2024 – School examinations and talent exams are held.
Admission assessment period:
13 June 2024 – Schools receive the results of the unified school examinations from the first round.
14.6. 2024 – DIPSY assigns candidates to study programmes.
18-20 Jun 2024 – The documents based on which a decision was made may be consulted.
21.6. 2024 – Results of the second round are available.
You can submit as many applications as you like. You can only apply to one school at a time. If you apply to several study programmes at one school, you need to list them in one application form.
Applications are submitted only in the form of a paper document (not through DIPSY).
It is not compulsory to take into account the result of the unified examinations.
The decision on admission or non-admission is sent by the school director in a paper form.
You must confirm your intention to study the programme in writing and send it to the school director within 7 days of the date of the receipt of the admission decision.
You can appeal against the decision within 3 working days from its receipt.
You may waive your right to be admitted to the school within 3 working days from the day you confirmed your intention to study there.
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