New possibilities to apply for an employee card for holders of visas for the purpose of leave to remain granted on the grounds of the armed conflict in Ukraine
Holders of visas for the purpose of leave to remain granted on the grounds of…
MoreAs usual, you can look forward to a lot of interesting things to read. We’ve picked a few articles for our website, too. You can have a look at some of them in Czech (Tenth Summer School of Migration Studies, Czech Is My Language, Too Writing Competition Has Brought Understanding and Empathy into Schools, and Colourful Prague 9 Festival). There are also two articles translated into several languages: Táta fesT or Father’s Day and Foreigners’ ‘Personal Brand’ in Business and Employment. Make sure not to miss the interview with Pavla Novotná, director of the Department for Asylum and Migration Policy of the Czech Ministry of the Interior. Ms Novotná has given us up-to-date information about the amendment of the Foreigners Act, the planned obligatory integration courses and the increased level of Czech language knowledge required from permanent residence applicants, as well as other plans in the area of migration and integration of foreigners. To learn all this and more, have a look at the whole latest issue of the Slovo bulletin, which is available here.
Holders of visas for the purpose of leave to remain granted on the grounds of…
MoreDo you have trouble finding housing in Czechia? Don’t know how to start or what…
MoreHolders of visas for the purpose of leave to remain granted on the grounds of…
MoreDo you have trouble finding housing in Czechia? Don’t know how to start or what…