Prague Hospitals Specialized in Providing Care to Foreigners

The following hospitals and medical facilities specialize in providing health care to foreigners:


Motol University Hospital, Department of Primary Care

V Úvalu 84, 150 06 Prague 5
+420 224 431 111

  • On their website you can find useful information on providing health care services for migrants.

Reception desk for children of foreigners: +420 224 433 690

Reception desk for adult foreigners: +420 224 433 682


Na Homolce Hospital, Department of Foreign Nationals

Roentgenova 2/37, 150 30 Prague 5
+420 257 271 111

Further information

+420 257 273 289

+420 257 272 144


Na Bulovce Hospital

Budínova 67/2, 280 00 Prague 8, Libeň

+420 266 081 111


Thomayer Hospital 

Vídeňská, 140 00 Prague 4

+420 261 081 111


Na Františku Hospital

Na Františku 847/8, 110 00 Prague 1, Old Town

+420 222 801 111