Information for Newcomers from Ukraine

Here is an overview of information and a list of organisations to contact:

Do you need further information? The Ministry of the Interior has set up a Facebook information channel Naši Ukrajinci, a telephone line +420 974 801 802 and an email for your questions.


Do you need free help and advice? There are NGOs that offer legal and social counselling as well as other services:

Tip: We keep updating the information available for you. Follow the News section on our website as well as Prague for All on Facebook!

A lot of information can also be obtained through the International Organization for Migration. Follow IOM Czechia on Facebook for the most up-to-date practical information and support!

For enquiries, use the IOM helpline whose operators speak Ukrainian, English, Czech and Russian

 +420 800 050 749 (free from the CR)

+420 239 050 532 (paid calls from abroad)

Other useful links: