Home I need to arrange… Healthcare, Health and Social Insurance for Foreigners in the Czech Republic

Healthcare, Health and Social Insurance for Foreigners in the Czech Republic

The following section of the Prague for all website will provide you with basic information on healthcare in the Czech Republic, health insurance options for foreigners, medical care and emergency care, as well as contacts for facilities focused on migrants and other useful information.


Basic healthcare in the CR is provided mainly on the basis of public health insurance and is free of charge. All actively working people contribute into the healthcare system by paying a percentage of their income (employers pay a part of the contribution for their employees, self-employed persons pay the insurance themselves). Some groups of citizens have their insurance paid for by the state (e.g. dependent children). It is a system based on solidarity, anyone can draw from it when necessary.

The range of medical services paid for by public health insurance is available on the website of the Ministry of Health, which is responsible for the area of Czech healthcare and other related issues, including health insurance.