Home I need to arrange… Czech POINT – no more running around offices!

Czech POINT – no more running around offices!

Here you can read about Czech POINTs, what services they provide and where to find them.

Czech POINT (Czech Submission Verification Information National Terminal) is a universal place which makes communication between offices and people easier. The goal of the project is to allow people to arrange everything they need via the Internet.

What Can Be Arranged here?

At Czech Points you can sort out a lot of different issues – you can obtain and verify data from public and private information systems (e.g. get an extract from the trade licensing, commercial or insolvency register, criminal records, land register, a driver’s points record etc.), officially verify documents, convert documents into electronic form and vice versa, get information about an administrative process or apply to initiate such a process. The aim is to enable the circulation of data and to reduce excess red tape.

To learn more about what can be arranged through Czech POINT, have a look at the Czech official website.

Where to Find Czech POINT

Services of Czech POINT are currently available in more than 7 100 places in the CR (e.g. post offices, offices of city districts) and also at some representative offices. The official website will provide you with information on where to find your closest Czech POINT.
