Recognition of Education

Recognition of education (also known as nostrification) is recognition of validity or equality of education achieved in the territory of a state other than the Czech Republic. This recognition of a document certifying achievement of a certain level of studies often represents a condition for continuation in studies at a Czech school or university. By recognition of education you get a confirmation that the level of the education you have achieved corresponds with the level you would achieve if you studies at an equivalent school in the Czech Republic.

Recognition of education can be done in various ways. Documents on achievement of primary, secondary and higher vocational education fall within the purview of the education department of the relevant regional office. In Prague it is the education department of the Prague City Hall. As for the university education, the application for recognition of a university diploma is submitted directly at the university which offers the same or a similar study programme.


Recognition of Primary, Secondary and Higher Vocational Education

If you or your children apply for studies at a secondary school or a university, the school or university will require that you deliver a certificate of recognition of primary or secondary education. To have your documents considering achieved education recognised, you have to submit an application at the Department of Education and Youth at the Prague City Hall (Jungmannova 35/29, 111 21 Prague 1).

If the Czech Republic and the country which issued the documents have concluded an international treaty on recognition of equivalence of documents on education, you will be issued a certificate of equality of foreign education if the procedure is successful. If the country where your document was isued has not concluded such a treaty, then the decision on recognition of validity of a foreign certificate (nostrificatin) is made by the office.

Both the procedures are subject to an administrative fee of 3,000 CZK. One of the conditions of recognition of education may be a nostrification exam, which is re-examination in selected subjects.


Detailed information on recognition of documents on foreign education and contacts to relevant officials are available on the website of the Department of Education and Youth of the Prague City Hall:

In Prague there are mediators who offer ensuring recognition of education for a lot of money. Be careful because sometimes you may come across fraudulent conduct (issuing counterfeit documents certifying recognised education, unnecessary costs for mediation). 

If you need advice on the procedure of submitting the application for recognition of education or preparation for the nostrification exam, you may contact employees of the Prague City Hall Department of Education and Youth or professionals from organisations offering assistance to migrants.


Recognition of University Education

Have you graduated from a university abroad?Similar to the previous case, you can apply for recognition of equivalence or validity of your diploma. Such confirmation may be required by your future employer.

Unlike documents certifying attainment of primary and secondary education, university diplomas are not recognized by the regional office but the university which provides the same or analogous study programme. For example, if you have studied economics, you may apply for recognition of your university education at the University of Economics in Prague.

Information on the procedure and application forms can usually be found on the websites of the individual universities. For further queries, you can also contact the subject department or the secretariat of the respective university.

Recognition of university education is subject to a charge of 3,000 CZK.

If you fail to find an appropriate study programme on offer of a Czech university, you can apply to have your education recognized directly at the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports. Detailed information is available on the MEYS website.

If you need advice on the procedure of recognition of your university diploma, contact employees of META, o. p. s.