New possibilities to apply for an employee card for holders of visas for the purpose of leave to remain granted on the grounds of the armed conflict in Ukraine
Holders of visas for the purpose of leave to remain granted on the grounds of…
MoreIn the Czech Republic, population censuses have been carried out every 10 years since 1869. They are a source of unique information on life in our country. The next census is taking place in 2021. Census data is particularly important for the development of measures aimed at the improvement of life in the Czech Republic. It helps determine how much staff is needed in healthcare facilities and kindergartens and it is important for designing flood protection, fire brigade interventions, or building new train and bus infrastructure. The protection of personal data is guaranteed, only summary statistical data is published.
The 2021 census starts on 27th March 2021 and it also concerns foreign nationals present in the CR, with the exception of people with diplomatic status and foreigners with a short-term stay up to 90 days. It is safe and simple to get counted online on by filling in an electronic census form or through a mobile app. Those who fail to get counted online until 9th April have a legal obligation to fill in a paper census form between 17th April and 11th May 2021.
Holders of visas for the purpose of leave to remain granted on the grounds of…
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MoreHolders of visas for the purpose of leave to remain granted on the grounds of…
MoreDo you have trouble finding housing in Czechia? Don’t know how to start or what…