Home News


MLSA’s New Information Materials Against Labour Exploitation

The Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (MLSA) has developed new posters and flyers available…


European Parliament elections

Millions of Europeans will participate in elections to the European Parliament from 6th to 9th June. In Czechia,…


We Are No Strangers: Unique Project of Slovo 21 Organisation Bringing Foreigners and Majority Society Closer Together

What are foreigners who live in Czechia like? The project called We Are No Strangers…


Qualification Course for Social Service Workers

Is helping others your calling? Are you interested in the job of a helping professional?…


Education Topic: Dealing with Foreigners

In the next two years, a total of 800 civil servants, police officers and firefighters…


Change in the Humanitarian Accommodation System!

Starting from 1st September 2024, state humanitarian accommodation will be provided for the maximum of…


Czech courses – spring 2024

Time to learn Czech! Registration for standard Czech language courses in both face-to-face and online…


New Electronic Secondary School Registration Process

The school year of 2023/2024 has seen a change in the admission system for secondary…


New Contact Point for Newcomers from Ukraine

Since 2 January, refugee families from Ukraine can seek assistance at a new contact point…


UN Children’s Fund’s Helping Hand Has Extended to Provide Mental Health Support

Almost half of the refugees in the CR are experiencing anxiety and distress as a…
