Prague City Hall
The Prague City Hall is an authority responsible for public administration. Its activities are mainly focused on providing services to Prague citizens. It is a municipal and regional office of the City of Prague.
The Mayor of Prague is an external representative of the Czech capital. The Mayor is accountable to the Prague City Assembly. The status, powers, duties, responsibilities and remuneration of the Mayor are governed by the Act on the Capital City of Prague.
The Prague City Assembly (hereinafter the “Assembly”) is an elected body consisting of 65 representatives elected in municipal elections.
The Prague City Council (hereinafter the “Council”) has 11 members and is elected by the Assembly. The Council is accountable to the Assembly. The remit of the Council includes management of the City of Prague according to the approved budget and monitoring the economy. It also imposes tasks on the Prague City Hall within its self-governing powers and oversees their fulfilment. It carries out budgetary measures within the scope determined by the Assembly. Members of the Council discuss and resolve comments and suggestions submitted by members of the Assembly, commissions of the Council and city districts. When necessary, it establishes and dissolves Council commissions and appoints and removes their chairpersons and members.
The City Hall consists of the Chief Executive of the Prague City Hall and other employees. Within its self-governing powers, the City Hall fulfills tasks set out by the Assembly or the Council. It exercises delegated powers of the City of Prague, unless they are legally entrusted to other bodies. Basic organisational units of the City Hall are departments, which are further divided into divisions. Special organisational units also represent a part of the City Hall.
The main building of the Prague City Hall can be found at Mariánské Square 2 in Prague 1. The organisational structure of the Prague City Hall is very complex and is divided according to various sections and services. The sections (property management and financial services, public services and others) are further divided into departments (e.g. Department of Culture, International Relations and Tourism, Department of Trade Licence and Civil Law Issues, Department of Transport Administration, Department of Health Care and Social Services Administration, Department of Education and Youth, Department of Sport and Leisure or Department of Health Care, Social Services and Prevention).