Home Contacts Migrant and Community Organisations

Migrant and Community Organisations

It is very important for migrants to have connections to people of the same origin, find new friends and know where to seek help, especially when they are new here. Migrants living in the CR on a long-term basis set up their own associations and societies. Thanks to them they have an opportunity to meet and share memories of their homeland, organise cultural events and show the beauty of their culture to their fellow Czech citizens.

Information about migration and community organisations is also available on the Migration Online website. We also used this website as a source for the following information and contacts. The contacts may change over time and therefore it is useful to check them on the websites of the individual organisations. The Czech version of the website provides a list of all available migrant and community organisations. On the individual language versions you will only find translations of contacts for organisations relevant to the respective language.

Some of the organisations listed here represent what are called national minorities. According to Czech law, a national minority is a community of Czech citizens with a common ethnic origin, language, culture and traditions who form a numerical minority in the population and together strive to preserve and develop their identity, language and culture. In the CR there are the following national minorities: Belarusian, Bulgarian, Croatian, German, Greek, Hungarian, Polish, Roma, Russian, Ruthenian, Serbian, Slovak, Ukrainian and Vietnamese. A new special website for national minorities is currently being created – members of national minorities will be able to find there more information relevant for them there.

If you have an officially registered organisation in Prague and you would like to let your compatriots, as well as other Prague inhabitants know about its activities, please let us know.




Humanitas Afrika, o. p. s.

Humanitas Afrika was founded in 2000 as an African-Czech civic association. Its aim is to spread mutual tolerance and understanding between Czechs and Africans and to raise awareness about Africa, Africans and their culture within Czech society. In 2005 the association established the African Information Centre (AIC) at its headquarters which provides an African library service and organises a wide range of educational activities for the general public. The library serves as a meeting place and helps Africans living in the Czech Republic to integrate into Czech society and maintain their own identity and culture. Humanitas Afrika is also active in the area of promoting education and development in Africa.

Address: Ječná 2, 120 00 Prague 2

Tel.: +420 251 560 375

Email: info@humanitasafrika.cz

Website: www.humanitasafrika.cz/en

Facebook: www.facebook.com/HumanitasAfrika



Address: Matúškova 16/975, 149 00 Prague 4 – Háje

Email: info@alliancebenin.cz

Website: www.alliancebenin.cz/en



Arménský dům (“Armenian House”)

Arménský dům is a non-governmental, non-profit organisation of Czech citizens and foreign nationals which was founded on 28 February 2002 and whose main activities include the integration of Armenians into Czech society. The primary aim of the organisation is to contribute towards the comprehensive development of relations between the Czech Republic and the Republic of Armenia and to create a cultural and shared information centre.

Website: www.nairi.webnode.cz/armensky-dum

Email: nairi@nairi.cz


Caucasus – East European Information Centre

Caucasus – East European Information Centre is an NGO which has been publishing an independent Armenian-European magazine called ORER since 1999. The bimonthly magazine covers the life of Armenians living in the Czech Republic as well as the community, sports, cultural and political life of Armenians in more than 30 European countries and in Armenia itself. ORER (“DAYS”) highlights European-Armenian bilateral diplomatic and political relations. In the magazine you can find information about Czech-Armenian projects, economic cooperation of the two countries, interviews with famous Czech people, government officials and public figures. Also in the magazine you can read about art, significant cultural events and newly published books by Armenian and foreign artists, musicians and writers.

Address: Tibetská 2, 160 00 Prague 6

Email: info@orer.cz

Website: www.orer.eu/en/



AZER-ČECH, o. s. – Association of Azerbaijanis in the CR

This association focuses on the convergence of culture and traditions between Azerbaijan and the Czech Republic, and the presentation of the history, culture and traditions of Azerbaijan to the general public with the aim of improving understanding and providing assistance with the integration of Azerbaijani citizens into the majority society.

Address: Voroněžská 19/564, 101 00 Prague 10

Email: info@diaspora.cz

Website: www.diaspora.cz



Burma Centre Prague, o. p. s.

The Burma Centre Prague is a community interest organisation established in June 2006 by the Burmese community in the Czech Republic along with Czech and international supporters of Burma. The establishment of the Burma Centre Prague in 2006 was one of the results of the long-term effort of committed individuals. Thanks to the Centre they are able to continue in their independent work and to coordinate it. The Centre cooperates with other NGOs and individuals at national and international level and maintains the tradition of friendship between the Burmese and Czech and Slovak people. The mission of the BCP is to contribute towards the democratisation of Burma, to promote human rights, and to achieve an improvement of the situation of people living in Burma and in exile.

Address: Dělnická 54, 170 00 Prague 7

Email: bcp@burma-center.org

Website: www.burma-center.org

Facebook: www.facebook.com/burmacenterprague



Zaedno – A Civic Association of Bulgarians and Friends of Bulgaria in the CR

Zaedno is a civic organisation which presents the varied culture of Bulgary and the Balkans at cultural, informational and educational events. They organise exhibitions, dance workshops, informative lectures, competitions, courses and cultural and social gatherings.

Address: Kolbenova 762/6, 190 00, Prague 9-Vysočany

Email: zaedno@zaedno.org

Website: www.zaedno.org

Facebook: www.facebook.com/zaedno.prague



Compatriot Association of Chinese People Living in the Czech Republic

The main activities of the Compatriot Association of Chinese People Living in the Czech Republic are focused on the integration of Chinese people into Czech society and the creation of better working and study conditions. The association contributes to the development of mutual cultural, economic, education and sports contacts on a long-term basis.

Address: Pujmanové 1218, 140 00 Prague 4


FriendShip Prague

FriendShip Prague is an English-speaking network of Czechs and Expats which exists to provide support and friendship to people in need in Prague. Their history is connected to the Help Prague`s Homeless group, where we first meet and volunteered since January 2018. In 2021, we have expanded to a bigger “ship” in order to support more of our homeless friends, registering FriendShip as a formal registered non-profit.

Driven by our values of community and cooperation, FriendShip Prague communicates in English so that non-Czech speakers can be given opportunities to learn more and work together to serve those in need.


Address: Prague 8, Chlumova 515/11, 130 00

E-mail: send a message

Phone: +420 604462002  whatsapp only

Web page: https://www.friendshipprague.com/





Assembly of Germans in Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia – National Minority Organisation

The Assembly of Germans in Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia is a body of the Unions of the German Minority in the Czech Republic which combine 23 independently registered unions and act as a partner to the Czech authorities. The Assembly is active in the area of culture, education, political activities, social activities and public relations.

Adddress: náměstí 14. října 1278/1, 150 00 Praha 5

Email: info@landesversammlung.cz

Website: www.landesversammlung.cz/de

Facebook: www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=1636925716342451&id=464033786964989



Greek Community in Prague

The Greek Community in Prague organises various events which aid the promotion of Greek culture, history and language.

More information about the Greek national minority is available at the website of the Government Office.



Association of Hungarians Living in the Czech Republic – Prague Organisation Unit

The activities of the members of the Hungarian national minority in the Czech Republic are organised by an umbrella civic association called the Association of Hungarians Living in the Czech Republic. The association’s most important project is the annually held Days of Hungarian Culture within which the Hungarian culture is presented through various cultural events in several Czech cities and towns. The Association of Hungarians also publishes Prágai Tükör (Prague Mirror), a magazine which has been issued five times a year since 1993.

Address: K Botiči 2, 101 00 Prague 10

Email: csmmsz-praha@csmmsz.org

Website: www.csmmsz.org



Elim-aj Kazakhstan Cultural Centre in the Czech Republic

The Kazakhstan cultural centre in the Czech Republic is called Elim-aj. The aim of this association is the consolidation of relations between Czech citizens and citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Website: www.elim-aj.web-box.ru



Agency for Migration and Adaptation AMIGA, z. s.

The mission of this association is to support the development of mutual adaptation and communication of people and to promote a healthy, harmonious and fulfilled life at an international, national, group, family and individual level.

The Agency for Migration and Adaptation AMIGA, z. s., was established in October 2010 out of an initiative of international scientists of the Czech Academy of Sciences and Charles University in Prague. The purpose was to increase the efficiency of migrant integration in the Czech Republic and to promote related activities organised by other organisations. Gradually, AMIGA developed into a volunteer centre which enables migrants to get involved in a wide range of volunteer activities that are only available to the native majority. Currently, 10 members and 50 volunteers take part in running the organisation.

AMIGA helps integrate migrants into Czech society through their involvement in volunteer activities. AMIGA also organises leisure activities and clubs and helps migrants engage in volunteer, charitable, municipal and other activities.

Address: Záhřebská 539/15 Prague 2 (entrance on Belgická 11)

Email: info@amiga-migrant.cz

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/spolek.Amiga/

Website: https://www.amiga-migrant.cz/


KITAP – Tatar and Turkic Association in Prague

In Turkic languages, the word “KITAP” means “BOOK” and the name of this association thus relates to the fact that other people’s cultures and traditions can be compared to closed books waiting to be explored. KITAP aims at establishing and developing friendly relations between migrants and the majority society and at establishing, mediating, and in many ways promoting cooperation in the field of national cultural values, traditions, history, and cultural heritage on national as well as international levels. The association strives to increase public awareness about Turkic nations, their heterogeneous history, culture, and traditions.

KITAP cooperates with Turkic associations and organisations and also with the Integration Centre Prague. KITAP is an active participant in multicultural festivals held in Prague as well as an organiser of various events which allow people to learn more about world cultures.

Email: kitappraha@gmail.com

Website: kitapprague.blogspot.cz

Facebook: fb.com/kitappraha


Youth Included

Youth Included is an NGO and a free association of young people who want to meet new people, discover new cultures, learn new things and share their skills and inspiration, as well as finding new sources of inspiration. It is a diverse group of creative people from all around the world who live in Prague or elsewhere in the Czech Republic and work in the area of education or academia.

Website: //youthincluded.com

Facebook: www.facebook.com/YouthIncluded

VK: www.vk.com/public62308714



Polish Institute in Prague

The Polish Institute is the successor to the cultural department of the Polish Embassy which existed in 1920s. After World War II, the Polish Cultural Centre was created and it was transformed into the Polish Institute in 1994. The headquarters of the institute is in the historical centre of Prague. Their doors are open to everyone who believes in universalism of culture as much as in the strength resulting from its national diversity.

Address: Národní 961/25, 110 00 Praha 1

Email: praga@instytutpolski.org

Website: www.polskyinstitut.cz

Facebook: www.facebook.com/polskyinstitut


Polish Club in Prague

The aim of the Polish Club in Prague is the cultivation and popularisation of the Polish language and literature along with maintaining contact and social interaction among Poles living in Prague.

Address: Dům národnostních menšin, Vocelova 3, Prague 2

Email: kpwp@seznam.cz

Website: www.klubpolski.cz



In the CR there are 11 civic associations which function as associations of the Slovak minority. There are about 4 to 5 thousand registered members of these associations. The most numerous associations are Klub slovenskej kultury (Club of Slovak Culture) and Obec Slovákov v ČR (Community of Slovaks in the CR).

More information about the Slovak national minority and their organisations is available at the website of the Government Office.


Klub slovenskej kultury (Club of Slovak Culture) – National Minority Organisation

Klub slovenskej kultury publishes a magazine called Listy Slovákov a Čechov (Newspaper of Slovaks and Czechs) which is focused on Slovak and Czech culture and society. The role of the club is to promote events associated with the development and support of Slovak traditions and to inform the public about them.

Address: Vocelova 3, 120 00 Prague 2

Website: www.klubsk.net


Community of Slovaks in the Czech Republic – National Minority Organisation

The community of Slovaks in the CR is a voluntary civic association of Czech citizens with Slovak nationality and supporters of Slovakia and its culture.

Website: www.slovaci.cz


Slovak Folklore Association LIMBORA – National Minority Organisation

The Limbora association is a voluntary group of Slovak citizens who want to preserve and develop various forms of traditional Slovak folk art and present them at home and abroad. Limbora organises three groups for children and young people.

Adddress:  Dittrichova 11, 120 00 Prague 2

Email: limbora@gmail.com

Website: www.limbora.cz



Lastavica, o. s. – Association of Citizens of Former Yugoslavia

Address: Opletalova 926/16, 110 00 Prague 1

Email: info@lastavica.cz

Website: www.lastavica.org