Prague 1 City District



Address: Vodičkova 18, 115 68 Prague 1

Switchboard tel.: 221 097 111, fax: 222 231 646

Information centre tel.: 221 097 300, 221 097 311, 221 097 280, 221 097 315 (verification)



The Prague 1 City District, which is situated in the middle of the metropolis, on both banks of the Vltava River is the most interesting part of Prague for tourists and is also the administrative centre of the Czech Republic. The President, the parliaments and the government have their seat here

In the building of the Prague 1 City District Office you can find a Point of Single Contact, where you can get all necessary information about running a business.


Other Offices:

Labour Office Branch

Prague 2 Contact Point (for Prague 1 and 2)

Offices and ContactsJob Vacancies


Prague Social Security Administration (PSSA)

The territorial jurisdiction of the office is not limited. You can choose any local office regardless your place of residence or headquarters.

Contacts for individual local offices 


Tax Office

Prague 1 Local Office

Address: Štěpánská 619/28, 112 33 Prague 1

Contact information