Home Contacts Non-Governmental Non-Profit Organisations

Non-Governmental Non-Profit Organisations

In Prague there is a lot of NGOs which focus on migration and offer various services to migrants. Most services are provided free of charge or only for a symbolic fee. In these organisations you can also use your mother tongue if you are not confident in Czech.

Centre for Integration of Foreigners (CIC)

Mission and motto of the CIC: “We help immigrants become our fellow citizens.

The aim of the CIC (abbreviation based on the Czech name of the institution) is to help immigrants with the process of integration into Czech society by providing social services, education and other activities and by developing these services according to the needs of the immigrants. The Centre for Integration of Foreigners strives to influence the social and legislative environment to make it more open and fair to immigrants and in order to gain more support towards their social participation and integration.

The CIC Prague provides social and employment counselling, assistance with re-integration in the labour market during times of unemployment and Czech language courses, including online courses and e-learning. You can also become a volunteer of the CIC.


Centrum pro integraci cizinců, o. p. s.

Address: Pernerova 10/32, 186 00 Prague 8
Email:  info@cicops.cz

Website: www.cicops.cz

Facebook: www.facebook.com/centrumprointegracicizincu

Social counselling

Contact: +420 704 600 700; info@cicops.cz
Perspektiva (“Perspective”) – social rehabilitation and employment counselling

Contact: +420 702 150 630; prace@cicops.cz

Czech for foreigners

Contact: +420 735 173 738; npk@cicops.cz

Volunteer programme – clubs and activities

Contact: +420 737 293 359; dobrovolnici@cicops.cz


InBaze, which has been active since 2001, helps migrants to integrate into Czech society and raises awareness about migration. This organisation offers comprehensive counselling services for migrants  (social, legal, labour and psychological), and assistance at offices and schools, including arrangement of interpreting. It also organises a whole range of leisure activities for children and adults (clubs, trips, camps), after-school lessons and mentoring. Schools can make use of InBaze’s multicultural education activities (Story Boxes, debates, cooking lessons, seminars for teachers). InBaze organises various community, educative and cultural activities. One of them is an intercultural festival called RefuFest. It also runs a social enterprise called Ethnocatering.


Address: Legerova 357/50, 120 00, Prague 2 – Vinohrady

Email: info@inbaze.cz

Website: www.inbaze.cz/english

Facebook: www.facebook.com/InBaze


  • KRUHY multicultural groups – regular meetings of parents with children and meetings of seniors; regular conversation meetings for women


Since 2004, META has been promoting equal access to education and work integration. At the same time, they offer support to teachers and schools that deal with the specific needs of children and students with a different mother tongue (meaning other than Czech). Apart from their direct work with migrants and teachers, META tries to promote and contribute to the creation of an education system, which would be able to conceptually, continuously and to a sufficient extent react to the education needs of all students and develop their potential. META offers a wide range of activities for the public and thus supports the development of an open dialog and understanding between migrants and the native population.


Management, services for teachers – address: Žerotínova 1124/35, 130 00, Prague 3

Services for migrants – address: Žerotínova 1124/35, 130 00 Prague 3

Website: www.meta-ops.cz

Facebok: https://www.facebook.com/metavzdelavani



MigAct strives towards an inclusive and diverse civil society. MigAct brings together active people, local civic initiatives and NGOs that work towards positive change in our society. It serves as a place for sharing experience and knowledge, mutual support and networking. We focus on capacity building and empowering individuals so that they can be active in society, believe in themselves, and realize their potential.


Address:Světova 523/1, Prague 8

Website: https://migact.net/

Facebok: https://www.facebook.com/migactinitiative

Email: contact@migact.net,

Phone: +420 774 324 035.


Multicultural Centre of Prague

The Multicultural Centre of Prague (MCP) is a civic association interested in the coexistence of people of various cultures in the Czech Republic and other parts of the world. Since its establishment in 1999, the MCP has been providing more and more educational, cultural and informational activities. They organise workshops, courses, international seminars, discussions, film and book evenings, Internet websites about migration or multicultural librarianship for children, students, teachers, librarians as well as the general public. They also have a public library available for people interested in multicultural topics.

The MCP runs the website www.migraceonline.cz(proklik). This portal systematically chronicles research on migration, legislation in the area of migration and asylum policies and activities of governmental and non-governmental organisations and institutions. Their readers are often experts and representatives of the academic sphere, public administration, NGOs, the media as well as the general public.


Address: Náplavní 1, 120 00, Prague 2

Website: www.mkc.cz/en/home.html

Facebok: www.facebook.com/MKCPraha


Nová škola

Since 1996, Nová škola (“New School”) has been promoting the inclusive education of minorities, migrants and children and young people from other socially and culturally disadvantaged groups. Nová škola is based in Prague but it is active across the whole of the Czech Republic. The aim is to create an open and friendly environment without prejudice and to ensure equal opportunities for everyone. Nová škola also organises training sessions, seminars and conferences and cooperates with migrants as well as professionals from various areas (e.g. teachers).


Address: Křižíkova 344/6, Prague 8, 186 00

Email: novaskola@novaskolaops.cz

Website: www.novaskolaops.cz

Facebok: https://www.facebook.com/metavzdelavani

Organization for Aid to Refugees (OPU)

OPU has been helping migrants to integrate into Czech society for 25 years. It is one of the oldest NGOs in the Czech Republic. They also actively fight against xenophobia, racism and intolerance of the nationalities and for migrants’ rights. OPU provides social and legal counselling, Czech language courses and also leisure activities for children and adults.


Address: Kovářská 4, Prague 9, 190 00

Email: opu@opu.cz

Website: www.opu.cz

Social department

Telephone: +420 730 158 779, +420 739 413 983

Legal department

Telephone: +420 730 158 779, +420 730 158 781

Email: pravni@opu.cz

Counselling Centre for Integration, z. s. (PPI)

The PPI was founded in 1997 and since then they have been helping migrants integrate into Czech society. The office in Prague provides services to clients from Prague as well as other regions. In Ústí nad Labem, the PPI implements a project of the integration centre for the Ústí nad Labem region. Every year in September, there is a multicultural festival called Barevná planeta (Colourful Planet) organised in Ústí nad Labem. The PPI provides free social and legal counselling, Czech language courses and leisure activities for children and adults.


Address: Opletalova 921/6, 110 00, Prague 1

Telephone: +420 603 281 269

Email: praha@p-p-i.cz

Website: www.p-p-i.cz/en

Facebok: https://www.facebook.com/PoradnaprointegraciPraha

The PPI is also a founder of the CZECH IN language school. They focus on teaching Czech but there are also other courses on offer. To learn more, see their website.

Association for Integration and Migration (SIMI)

SIMI is a human rights NGO which has been defending rights of migrants and refugees in the Czech Republic since 1992. Their activities consist of free legal, social and psychosocial counselling, which is provided to all migrants, regardless of their residence status. Apart from direct work with clients, SIMI also engages in a lot of advocative, conceptual, analytical and lobbying activities to help improve the status of migrants in the CR. It is an organisation which offers a wide range of educational and awareness activities through which they wish to influence Czech society, support tolerance and solidarity and fight xenophobia and racism. SIMI also organises or participates in the organisation of various national and international campaigns, they are involved in a network of organisations specialised in the issue of migration, fighting racism and promoting the rights of refugees and migrants in the CR and Europe.

Within the area of integration, migration and asylum, SIMI focuses on the topics of gender equality, domestic violence, support of elderly migrants and increasing the inclusiveness of cities and municipalities. To learn more about SIMI, have a look at their website.


Address: Baranova 33, 130 00, Prague 3

Email: poradna@migrace.com

Telephone: +420 224 224 379

Website: www.migrace.com/en

Facebok: www.facebook.com/SIMIporadna

Slovo 21, z. s. 

Slovo 21 (“Word 21”) is an NGO which was founded in 1999 by migrants themselves. The beginnings of this organisation are primarily associated with the Khamoro World Roma Festival. The best known integration project which gives Czech and migrant families an opportunity to meet informally is probably the Next Door Family project. Slovo 21 issues a bulletin for and about foreigners called Slovo. They also organise adaptation-integration courses called Vítejte v ČR (“Welcome to the Czech Republic”) which provide migrants with all the necessary information and advice upon their arrival to the Czech Republic. For more information about these courses, have a look here.

Slovo 21 has been established as an organisation whose aim is to promote building of a multicultural society and to contribute to better cohabitation of cultures in the Czech Republic and the whole of Europe. Slovo 21 does not provide legal and social services. They fight racism and xenophobia, safeguard and advocate the observation of human rights, and try to improve the image of minorities and migrants in the media.

Since autumn 2018, Slovo 21 has also been organising integration seminars for beneficiaries of international protection. More information is available here.


Address: Táborská 979/5, 140 00 Praha 4

Email: info@slovo21.cz

Websites: www.slovo21.cz, www.vitejtevcr.cz, www.novy-domov.cz, www.khamoro.cz

Telephone: +420 604 242 363

Facebook: www.facebook.com/slovo21, www.facebook.com/vitejtevcr, www.facebook.com/festivalkhamoro


Svitlo Community Centre and Infopoint

The Svitlo community centre operates an Infopoint that assists newly arrived refugees from Ukraine who are unfamiliar with the Czech environment yet. The Infopoint’s intercultural professionals provide guidance on Czech laws and available support from the state and NGOs. They also focus on vulnerable groups such as the elderly, mothers with small children, and young people without family background. Additionally, they offer help to individuals whose circumstances have changed during their stay in the Czech Republic.

Consultations are available in person, by phone, and by email. Svitlo’s goal is to reduce barriers to accessing information that may be caused by language difficulties, limited digital literacy or the complexity of available resources.

Address: Old Town Square 4/1, 11000 Prague 1 – Old Town, 2nd floor

Website: www.skautskyinstitut.cz/svitlo-cz

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/svitlopraha

Telegram: https://t.me/svitlopraha


Tichý svět, o. p. s.

The mission of the Social Rehabilitation Service provided by the Tichý svět (“Silent World”) organisation is to enhance social habits and skills of clients with hearing impairment and multiple disabilities, leading into their integration into the majority hearing society.

The mission of the Expert Social Counselling service is support people with hearing and multiple disabilities in adverse life situations and to advocate for their rights. Thanks to this support, clients are able to cope with difficult life situations and to find strategies for its improvement.

The mission of the Interpreting and Transcription Service is to enable barrier-free communication for persons with hearing impairments and persons with multiple disabilities who use Czech Sign Language or communicate through written Czech language.

We offer our social services to refugees from Ukraine with hearing impairment. Our services are also available to hearing-impaired foreigners from other countries who use Czech Sign Language or Czech.

Address: Na Strži 1683/40, 140 00 Prague 4

Email: info@tichysvet.cz

Website: www.tichysvet.cz

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/konzultantky.tichysvet.praha

FriendShip Prague

FriendShip Prague is an English-speaking network of Czechs and Expats which exists to provide support and friendship to people in need in Prague. Their history is connected to the Help Prague`s Homeless group, where we first meet and volunteered since January 2018. In 2021, we have expanded to a bigger “ship” in order to support more of our homeless friends, registering FriendShip as a formal registered non-profit.

Driven by our values of community and cooperation, FriendShip Prague communicates in English so that non-Czech speakers can be given opportunities to learn more and work together to serve those in need.


Address: Prague 8, Chlumova 515/11, 130 00 

E-mail: send a message

Phone: +420 604462002  whatsapp only

Web page: https://www.friendshipprague.com/

